Scholarship Program Empowers Meetings Professionals

In 2024, FICP launched a scholarship program, designed to empower meetings professionals by providing essential financial support. This initiative reflects our commitment to investing in the professional development of our members and fostering a more inclusive community.

For 2025, we are pleased to once again offer two (2) scholarships for the Annual Conference, one (1) scholarship for the Education Forum and two (2) scholarships for the Certified Meetings Professional (CMP) designation. These scholarships are specifically aimed at those who wished to attend FICP events or pursue their CMP designation but lack the necessary financial resources.

Scholarship Opportunities

Event Attendance Scholarships

Event attendance for meetings professional members to attend their choice of a current-year event, to include the costs of event registration, hotel nights for the duration of the meeting and transportation costs (up to $500). Scholarship recipient is responsible for any additional costs associated with attending the event.

  • 2025 Education Forum – approx. $1,750
  • 2025 Annual Conference – approx. $2,000

CMP Scholarships

Funding to cover the CMP application fee ($350) and exam costs ($525) for at least one eligible recipient ($875 total).

  • Scholarship recipients must apply and take the exam within 365 days (maximum) of receiving the scholarship and will be reimbursed when they have successfully passed the exam. 

Key Dates

Education Forum and CMP* Scholarships

  • Applications Open: Monday, March 3
  • Deadline to Apply: Friday, April 11
  • Award Notifications Sent: Friday, May 2

Annual Conference and CMP* Scholarships

  • Applications Open: Monday, July 7
  • Deadline to Apply: Friday, August 15
  • Award Notifications Sent: Friday, September 12

*There will be two application periods for the FICP scholarship program in 2025. Applications for the Education Forum scholarship and CMP scholarships will be open from March 3 through April 11. Applications for the Annual Conference scholarships and CMP scholarships will be open from July 7 through August 15. No more than one CMP scholarship will be awarded in the first application period.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a current FICP meetings professional member in good standing.
  • For the Event Attendance Scholarship: Must have at least 12 months of full-time, continuous employment in the meetings industry.
  • For the CMP Scholarship: Must have at least 36 months of full-time, continuous employment in the meetings industry due to CMP eligibility requirements through the Events Industry Council (EIC).
  • The same individual cannot receive both the CMP Scholarship and the Event Attendance Scholarship in the same calendar year.
  • There can only be one recipient for each scholarship from the same company each year. 
  • An individual can only receive each scholarship once.
  • Current FICP officers, directors and members of the Scholarship Review Panel are not eligible for scholarship consideration.

If you have additional questions, please contact FICP Headquarters.