Connect With Likeminded Peers Within an Online Community

FICP's online communities are independent and self-managed groups on TheNetwork that provide our members with yet another opportunity for professional development and ways to connect with industry colleagues online. Community members decide on when to meet and what to discuss based on crowd-sourced topics. Here are two of FICP's online communities available on TheNetwork:

Strategic Leaders Exchange

Launched in 2021, the Strategic Leaders Exchange is an exclusive online community of 50+ FICP members who are the most senior meetings professional in their organization.

Rising Professionals Community

Launched in 2024, the Rising Professionals Community is dedicated to fostering growth, collaboration and success among rising professionals. This community is open to meetings professionals and hospitality partners with less than 10 years of industry experience. 

How to Join an Online Community

  1. Log in to your profile using the “Login” link in the top right corner.
  2. Once you’re logged in, go to TheNetwork and click on the "Groups."
  3. Find the group or group(s) you would like to join, and click on the "Join Group" button.*

*Join requests are subject to approval for certain online communities, like the Strategic Leaders Exchange.