Update as of September 9, 2022: A new data security function has been added to MemberSuite — one of FICP's platform partners — that requires all members and hospitality partners to verify their email address.

Upon logging in, all members and hospitality partners will receive an email with the subject line "Please Verify Your Account Email" from MemberSuite Support (donotreply@membersuite.com). This is a legitimate email. By clicking on the verification link, you will be prompted to log in once more.

Thank you in advance for verifying your email address in support of improved data security.


When resetting your password, please use your email address as your username. The password reset email will come from no-reply@verificationemail.com. If you are having trouble logging in, contact FICP Headquarters at info@ficpnet.com or (312) 245-1023.