Targeting F&I Meetings Professionals? FICP Is the Place

For vendors who provide support services to the insurance and financial services industry, FICP’s hospitality partner program offers access to:

  • 650+ meetings and events professionals at nearly 200 financial services and insurance companies in the United States and Canada
  • Influential professionals with $1B in average annual buying power
  • Exclusive in-person networking opportunities with a balanced ratio of partners to meetings professionals

Enjoy Year-Round Benefits

Partnering with FICP grants you exclusive access to this community of influential and experienced meetings professionals, in formats that allow you to build lasting, one-on-one relationships.

As an FICP hospitality partner, you receive:

  • Direct, anytime access to FICP meeting professional members’ information via the FICP Directory on TheNetwork, FICP’s online community
  • The opportunity to secure sponsorship and attend FICP events
  • Networking opportunities with meetings professionals at events and in TheNetwork
  • The weekly newsletter, ThePlanner, provides up-to-date FICP news, event announcements, industry news and resources on the topics that are most relevant to the daily challenges and career development of members
  • Opportunities to participate in the Community Connections Program and other FICP volunteer programs

See the breakdown of partner benefits at each sponsorship level.